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Office Covid-19 Information

Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) can be helpful in supporting immune function. As indicated, patients may receive OMT to support proper functioning of their immune system.


Our office strives to maintain the safety of all patients and staff. We keep abreast of the news and strive to follow the local and federal guidelines as per the CDC and Maryland Department of Health. We take the following measures to ensure safety:


  • Our staff has been vaccinated against Covid-19 and is following the CDC’s evolving vaccination recommendations.​​​​


  • We space out appointment times in order to reduce traffic in the office. We attempt to maintain physical distance between people as possible in the waiting room and during history taking for medical encounters, reserving close contact time to the physical exam and treatment.


  • We maintain standard infection control protocols of hand washing before and after patient contact, and sanitizing all hard surfaces between patients. Any treatment table linens used are changed between patients.


  • An air purifier may be used to maintain air circulation and ventilation.​​​​​​


  • During a surge, we may return to requiring face masks to be worn by all people aged 2 years and older while in the office, including in the waiting room, treatment room and bathroom. During such a surge, facial coverings must remain on for patients’ entire appointment and Dr. Scoville will wear an N95 mask during your office visit.


  • If patients develop symptoms after their visit, they should notify us as soon as possible, so that we can take steps to maintain a safe environment.


  • To mitigate the transmission of viruses, patients may be asked a series of screening questions prior to their visit, and may be asked to reschedule their visit if concerns arise.


  • Temperatures may be taken before each visit. If fever is present, patients will be asked to reschedule their visit.​​​


Dr. Scoville sees patients at:
10325 Lloyd Road, Potomac, MD 20854
8609 2nd Avenue, Suite 405-B,
Silver Spring, MD 20910

PHONE: 301-304-3330 

FAX: 301-304-3331








Convenient to:
Bethesda | Gaithersburg | Rockville


Thank You!

This email is intended for basic informational purposes only.

Do not send details of your health condition via email. 

For personal medical questions, please call the office.

COPYRIGHT© 2024 Scoville Osteopathic Healthcare, P.C. 


Designed by PerkUp Marketing. • Photos by Lisa Levart / LUSH Photography


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